Last chance to register for JAM: July at Milagro!

JAM: July at Milagro starts this Monday, July 8, and we could not be more excited!  If you have not yet registered for a taller creativo, here is a quick reminder of what Milagro has in store for you:

First, we will kick off two weeks of fun with two piñata-making classes, led by Emily Wright.  Join us on Mondays, July 8 & 15, to create colorful & cultural treats for the fun-lovers in your life!

On Tuesdays, July 9 & 16, we'll continue engaging our artistic sides and theatrical leanings by making our own theatre masks, and then working together to create an unique improvisational performance, with the help of Teatro Milagro's own Artistic Director, Dañel Malán!

Wednesdays, July 10 & 17, join two sensational cooks, Graciela Montiel and Julieth Maya Buri, and discover the family secrets and culinary favorites of Mexico and Colombia. Impress your friends at your next dinner party by making mole or arepas!

Finally, on Thursdays, July 11 & 18, we will close JAM with the passion and music of Argentine tango, in two lessons taught by Stefanus Guanawan, a regular of Portland's sensational Milonga scene. Move to the rhythm and lose yourself to an exciting new hobby!

Don't miss your opportunity to be a part of Milagro's creative community workshops!  Classes are almost full:  call now to register!  503-236-7253

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